SKU: E434B

Marker Brown Sprancene

67,00 lei

Se foloseste la desen preparatoriu dar si pentru machiaj zilnic de make-up

În stoc

Marker brown pentru sprancene este unul foarte bun calitativ si versatil, util tehnicienilor pentru lucrarile de micropigmentare si microblading sau in tatuaje cosmetice. Inainte de a incepe lucrarea putem desena forma sau firele pe care le doreste clientul. Astfel puteti crea sprancene simetrice cu formele si firele perfecte. Varful este foarte fin si precis si are o rezistenta uimitoare , nu se sterge in timpul lucrului. Se foloseste la desen preparatoriu dar si pentru machiaj zilnic de make-up.

Thin felt-tip pen to draw hair by hair eyebrows. Very useful tool for the preparatory drawing of microblading and permanent make-up. Before proceeding with the actual tattoo, you can draw the hairs you intend to tattoo on your client brows. This will allow you to create perfect and symmetrical brows. Without any chance of errors! The Biotek Eyebrow Marker pen is equipped with a fine tip that will allow you to trace each hair with extreme precision. The design is water resistant and long lasting. It can be used both as a tool for preparatory drawing and for daily makeup. Attention: If the tip of the marker is curved, it does not affect the fine design of the hair or its precision. Try it and you will see!